Compact IDE Controller PCB
A compact IDE controller PCB for coco's. Update: 12/11/2018: PCB is here! Dec/20/2018: Identifying a NitrOS-9 device descriptor. Jan/25/2019: TQFP and case Feb/2/2019: More Info Feb/14/2019: Bad news and Good news. Feb/25/2019: Driver Update. A preliminary PCB layout, not in fiberglass yet. Measurements in mm. This PCB could does support the NitrOS-9 EOU alpha-3 drivers. Items: GCC jumper selects Glenside addressing or inverted addressing. A4, A5, A6 jumpers re-address this PCB into most usable I/O spaces. CS1 jumper for those who want it. (removed) Drive activity LED header.. Power LED. Lattice JTAG-8 header. Yes, it's an "OLD-SCHOOL" CPLD. Showing the ground plane. Actually the labels A0, A1, A2 should be A4, A5, A6. No jumpers needed to match a GCC PCB, for $FF70. Here was the original, now MIA. Sitting on top of a CoCo-3 keyboard. It did control two hard drives. Green activity LED...