MyDesk Circa 199X
Pictures from my old backed-up website that now has PORN attached, someone's backup of my old stuff. Don't go there. Here is my coco3 with: NoCan-8MB Custom keyboard Got tired of trying to fix dying coco3 keyboards...:-) 4-high stack of hard-drives Just using the top one for now The next two drives are the normally used ones Bottom one is for backups 3-high stack of floppy drives /d0 = 80 tks DS-DD /d1 = 80 tks DS-DD /d2 = 80 tks DS-2HD or quad-density Not visible CD-R on shelf above PC-jr. monitor - with sound Modified floppy controller (to do QD floppies) Without case but has clear plastic cover. Tiny-IDE controller Follow the IDE cable back Sitting at an angle w/ frosted cover over the chip (fragile!) PLCC FlashROM - 28F020 Has 2 different CTRL-ALT-RESET pictures, one bart another a logo. and 6 ...