CoCo Edge Buffer

Finally, a buffered Y-Cable.

Some text corrections.
Update: March 16, 2019
2020/06/26: New Cable added.

Starts with this PCB:
Note that X1 is un-buffered, and X3 is the Y-Cable side.

Then that PCB gets slightly modified and includes an overlay PCB with a isplsi2032a CPLD which acts like an MPI PAL.

This cable has three IDC 40-pin card edge connectors installed.
One for the SDC, one for an IDE controller, and one spare.

This particular IDE controller is still in development stage.
Plus these PCB's fit the small empty game boxes.

That buffered PCB with the hand-wired CPLD (upside-down) and plugs into X1 on the buffer PCB.
The cable does need to be "side swapped" as witnessed by the twisted pairs.
When the output pins are installed on the bottom of this PCB, then no cable pair swapping is needed, just plug the Y-cable into the bottom located pins.

This hand-wired PCB will be a real PCB, later on.
On the next PCB turn, the Y-40-pin connector will be fixed
 so that a special cable will not be needed.

A better view, with a different set of blue edge fingers.
Don't use these as the solder pins are 0,2 inches apart! (top to bottom)

Here with two IDE controllers, running HD63C09E-NitrOS-9
Small LED at the end of the short red wire, is to signal a $FFD9 poke or fast speed CPU.
This top controller is set to $FF3X, while the controller underneath is set to $FF7X.
Notes on the CPLD mark the current development checksum.

Oh, what, another LED???
An arbitrary color here, ie whatever is in the junk box.
Yes, this one shows the "fast" cpu mode.
Lit is 1.78MHz, off is 0.895MHz.
Still lots of CPLD room for more stuff.

Update: March 16, 2019

The first daughter decoder PCB is in and it does have one mistake.
but it works as an MPI right away after a fix.
As this picture was being taken, NitrOS-9 6309 is running and
the command "MPI" results in a "MPI found" report.

Side View
Showing the decoding PCB on top of the Y-Cable buffered PCB.
Together they both act like a mini-MPI. The read-back IC has the outputs corrected as shown.
There is a small hack area besides the 8-pin latch output header.
And a small LED to show when the coco3 cpu is in the FAST mode.
The jumper is to dis-allow $FF1X and $FF3X for coco's 1 and 2.

New Cable added and tested:

Four Slots with no slot selection (maybe the next one).
Since these IDC slots are side-swapped, the front IDC connector comes from the bottom of the PCB,
  this un-swizzles the slot sides.
Pins 1 & 2 are NOT used (do not go back to the coco)
  and could be available for special connections.

There is room for two more slots, but I only purchased four.


Comments Welcomed


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